Key Benefits

  • May assist in tonifying the lungs for frequent colds. 
  • May assist in maintaining a healthy immune system. 
  • May assist with increasing energy and increasing resistance to stress. 
  • May assist with relieve of restlessness and nervousness.
  • May act as a sleep aid.
  • Acts as a source of anti-oxidants.
  • May assist with treatment of insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, listlessness and poor appetite.
  • May assist with liver wellbeing, immune support, energy and resistance to stress.
  • May have immunomodulating properties.

Warnings and precautions:

Use as directed and consult your health care provider if you are pregnant, take other medication or have a medical condition. Not advised while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Chinese scullcap – may interact with blood-pressure lowering drugs.  Type 1 diabetics should exercise strong caution with the herb as it can affect insuling and blood sugar levels.



[1] SAHPRA Complementary Medicines – Health Supplements Safety and Efficacy.

[2] Canadian Monograph: Mushrooms

[3] Canadian Monograph: Astragalus

[3] Canadian Monograph: Scullcap

[4] Herbal Anitvirals (Natural remedies for emerging and resistant viral infections).  Stephen Harrod Huhner. ISBN 978-1-61212-385 (e-book)