Ingredients & Directions - L-Glutamine
One level teaspoon provides:
L-Glutamine 3500 mg
As a food supplement, take 1 level teaspoon daily in 250ml of water or juice, or as directed by your health professional. It is suggested to stay away from protein and meals for a maximum effect, ideally taken 30 – 60 min before or after a meal.
General Adult dose: 3.5g (1 level teaspoon per day)
Malabsorption: up to 5 level teaspoons per day for 4 weeks
Exercise performance: up to 0.9g/kg of Glutamine Powder used for 6 weeks
Children: 0.3g/kg of body weight for 5 – 7 days to be used with conditions that include critical illness. Crohn’s disease, diarrhoea, muscular dystrophy, malnutrition and sickle cell anaemia.